Thursday, May 14, 2015

Request For Administrative Remedy

The following facts were presented in writing and verbally to the DHO at the DHO hearing for I/M Duncan on April 15, 2015:

  ¤ Program Statements generally authorize inmates to receive and retain letters with enclosed pictures that are inspected for compliance with B.O.P. POLICIES (P5800.16 «Mail Management Manual» - Exhibit D)*

  ¤ The confiscated pictures in this case were issued to I/M Duncan by authorized staff in a letter that was opened and inspected by the mail room on 1/26/2016 (see redacted cop of letter with highlighted clear references to the confiscated pictures – Exhibit C)*

  ¤ The confiscated pictures do no depict nudity, and are not sexually explicit, as specifically defined by B.O.P. policies (P5266.15 «Incoming Publications» § 540.72 (b) «Definitions» for «Statutory Restrictions»)

  ¤ The confiscated pictures in this care are patently NOT «child pornography» or «sexually explicit» according to Federal Law definition (18 USC 2256 (8) – Exhibit B)*

  ¤ Only the Warden (or Acting Warden) may restrict mail that is potentially detrimental to the orderly operation of the institution (P5265.14 «Correspondence» § 540.14 (d) and P5266.14 «Incoming Publications» § 540.71 (b)). 

  ¤ The Warden must advise the inmate in writing when mail is restricted, and provide specific reasons for the restriction (ibid.). (Exhibit A)*

  ¤ I/M Duncan has never received notice of his mail being restricted for any reason for the Warden or any other official.

  ¤ I/M Duncan voluntarily submitted all other pictures of «partially nude» (but not «sexually explicit») children that were issued to him in the mail as evidence of the past authorization of such pictures (Exhibit E)*.

* All Exhibits marked above were presented to the DHO, along with a two-page statement, prior to the hearing on April 15.

After the above facts were explained to the DHO at the hearing, he said: «It doesn't matter what [the law says ... I say that] this is definitely child pornography.» He then found me guilty of «Possession of anything not authorized for retention or receipt by the inmate, and not issued to him through regular channels.» (305) contrary to the facts and his duty to obey B.O.P. directives. The DHO deliberately and flagrantly disregarded numerous directives, and the U.S. Constitution, in order to find me guilty and illegally punish me because of my «crimes against children».

The following provisions of the disciplinary policy were either ignored or deliberately contradicted by the DHO at the hearing for inmate Duncan on April 15, 2015:

  ¤ §541.2, Part 3 (c) «Staff control inmate behavior in an impartial and consistent manner».
  The DHO was neither impartial or consistent. He made numerous references during the hearing to my «crimes against children», which I took reasonably to be the cause of his bias. His disregard for laws and policies in light of the facts is clear evidence of bias. His findings and punishment were inconsistent with the evidentuarily established pattern of routinely authorized pictures of children I have received via regular channels (mail) in the past. In fact, the DHO referred to this evidence (Exhibit E) during the hearing as «proof» of my guilt, even though I had voluntarily submitted it for review after I was accussed of having «child pornography», as evidence that established a consistent pattern of authorizations. The DHO ignored this consistency, and acted inconsistent with past «staff control» of «inmate behavior».

  ¤ §541.8 (b) «... The DHO will be an impartial decision maker...» (see above)
  ¤ §541.8 (f) «... The DHO will consider all evidence presented during the hearing. The DHO's decision will be based on at least some facts and, if there is conflicting evidence, on the greater weight of the evidence...»
  The DHO ignored the facts and evidence. There was no conflicting evidence except what existed in the mind of the DHO (i.e. bias).

  ¤ §541.2, Part 3 (d) «Disciplinary action may not be capricious or retaliatory.»
  The DHO said during the hearing, «It doesn't matter what that says...» after I had just read him the Federal Law definition of «child pornography». This is a capricious disregard for the law.

Numerous other directives, laws, and prisoner rights were also ignored and contradicted by the DHO by his actions during this hearing. The DHO's abuse of authority is clear and palpable, but my own personal principles prevent me from even suggesting what his sanctions should be. I only hope that he somehow is compelled to understand that the consequences of his actions (for everyone) are far more serious than he presently seems to imagine.

I, Joseph E. Duncan III, swear that the above is the truth as I know it, and that I have made no attempt herein to either deceive or mislead anyone.

Joseph E. Duncan III
April 27, 2015