Monday, March 23, 2015

"Child Porn" Statement In My Defense

To whom it may concern, in regards to the Incident Report filed on 2/13/2015 by c/o Hill indicating that he found a picture that «appears to be child pornograph» in the cell that I, Joseph Duncan (12561-023, SCU Cell C-404), currently occupy.

After receiving notice of this incident report it took me some time to figure out what picture c/o Hill was concerned about. I do not keep child porn, or any porn, in my cell, and I knew I had no pictures that fit that description (which I indicated verbally to the lieutenant who served me the notice). But, after looking through my letters and other property I soon discovered that a page of printed pictures that I had not yet filed with my other letters as I usually do was missing. Since I knew that one of the images on this page was of a bare chested prepubescent girl, I assume this was the picture that «appeared» to be child pornography to c/o Hill. It was also the only picture I found missing.

I had not filed this page with the letter it came in because I drew one of the other pictures on the same page as a gift for a friend. The picture I drew is clearly indicated on the page by the grid marks I drew over it as a drawing aid.

According to Federal law, and B.O.P. Program Statements, none of the pictures on this page are pornographic, much less «child pornography». I have taken the time to prepare this statement which cites USCS 18 2256(8) for the definition of «child pornography» and various B.O.P. program statements which authorize me to have this picture (i.e. Program Statement inmate Correspondence).

Exhibit A (Program Statement) indicates that «sexually explicit» material is restricted when it is «contrary to law»; specifically, «child pornography which is prohibited by law». The key point here is that in order for a picture to be unauthorized as «child pornography» then it must be «prohibited by law»; not by how it «appears» to prison staff.

Exhibit B (USCS 18 2256) is the Federal legal definition (law) for «child pornography». The picture confescated from my cell is not «child pornography» by any interpretation of this definition. It is not «sexually explicit» at all (according to the definition of «sexually explicit» also @ USCS 18 2256). The child in the picture is bare chested, but has no «breasts» (as defined by Merriam-Webster; «the pair of mammary glands extending from the front of the chest in pubescent and adult human females») and is by commonly accepted standards not «exposed». She is not engaged in sexually explicit conduct, she is not depicted in a sexual situation or location, and the intent of the photograph is not to arouse or stimulate sexual desires.

Even if a person is sexually aroused by this picture, or pictures like it (which I am not), then that does not make it «child pornography», any more than a picture of a woman's shoe is «pornographic» because it arouses a man with a shoe fetish. It must meet the lawful definition of «child pornography» before it is «unauthorized» by B.O.P. policy, against child porn.

The child in the picture is in fact Thylane Blondeau, a famous child model who is photographed professionally. I received this picture of her in a letter that was opened and inspected by mailroom staff before being issued to me. I did not (and never do) solicit this picture or any pictures of children at all, which the letter (Exhibit C, redacted) indicates (see boxed section of Exhibit C). The person who sent me this letter is aware of B.O.P. policies concerning «obscene» material, and she would not have sent it if she had any concerns about it causing trouble.

When I received this picture in the mail I had no reason to think it was not authorized. Exhibit D also indicates that it is the responsibility of mailroom staff to ensure that inmates do no receive contraband. It was very reasonable for me to assume that this picture had been viewed and deemed «authorized» before it was given to me. The fact that it was found in «the open» in my cell (not hidden, and not with other pictures) supports this. I had no reason to hide it.

Exhibit E (pages 1-5) shows copies of other images that have been «authorized» by the mailroom. I do not collect images like this, and the only reason I have these compiled is in my defense. (It took me several hours to go through my property and find these images – I never had reason or the desire to bring them together before now.) These images also show «bare chested» (male and female) children, and even provocative pictures, but none of them are «unauthorized» or «child pornography».

The pictures I have been authorized to have in the past clearly establish a pattern of permitted pictures that the picture in question falls into easily. Again, I had no reason to think it was not authorized! even if it wasn't.

If a mistake was made in authorizing me to have this picture then it was not my mistake and I should not be held accountable for something I had no reason to suspect was awry. I had no way to know this image was «unauthorized» since it violates no laws, no B.O.P. policies, and I have received numerous images like it in the past (by pure coincidence, not intent). These images hold no special meaning for me, I don't «collect» them and never have.

P.S. Prior to this «Incident Report» I was fully aware of the Federal laws and B.O.P. policy regarding «child porn» because of my crimes. So I was well aware of the «boundaries» in such matters and hae always been careful not to cross them or even come close. This picture (in question) does not even come close, which is why I never questioned whether or not it was «authorized». 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Unanswered Mail

I've been receiving more mail than usual from people I don't know. But, I'm already corresponding with about a half dozen friends, and one girlfriend, who I have gotten to know via the mail since my arrest in 2005. So, I haven't been responding as I usually do to all the mail I receive, not even to just politely acknowledge the receipt of their mail.

I feel a little guilty about this, because all of these letters are well-wishing, and most seem like interesting people. I'm pretty sure that at least some would be genuine friends if I gave them the chance (by offering my friendship in return). But, I just don't have the time to spend on so much letter writing, and I honestly have a great bunch of friends already to keep up with, not to mention expositions to write for the Fifth Nail project.

So, I've decided to respond at once to all these unanswered letters in one “exposition” for the Fifth Nail Letters, and hope that those who have written and received no response from me will find this and know that I truly appreciate their support, and the time and effort they have taken to write to me. I read and careful consider the words of every letter I receive, so no one should ever feel ignored or unheard at least.

I have compiled the following comments in response to some recent letters, in no particular order:

P.H. from Utah: I hope your “research” is going well I responded to your last letter but have not heard from you since. So many people don't reply after my initial response that I often wonder why they wrote in the first place. Maybe I'm just not the person you expected, which makes me wonder what you expected.

D.G. of “Human Writes”, U.K.: Thank you for the X-mas card and offer to find me a pen-pal. But, I didn't reply for obvious reasons, though I support what you are doing (encouraging people to treat prisoners like people) and hope your agency prospers.

H.T. of “LifeLines” in Rotterdam: Again, I thank you for your offer of friendship, and I pray that you find meaning in your work. (Ditto for D.T. Of “LifeLines” U.K.)

L.H. of Killeen, TX: I never respond to people who want to “save my soul”, sorry; your ignorance astounds me. :(

K.F. of Battleground, WA: Wow! Dude! You really need to learn punctuation! :) But, thanks for your friendly letter.

J.S. of New Richmond, OH: You look really mean in your picture, but sound like a great guy in your letter. You seem like someone who could be a good pen-friend, so I hope you'll try writing someone else in prison who captures your interest. Good luck!

T.K. of Ohio Northern U.: I hope your research on “the popularity of serial killers in American culture” has turned up some interesting results. I'm sorry I couldn't reply to your questions, I honestly didn't know how to reply (maybe you should ask people why they are so fascinated with “serial killers” instead of asking “serial killers” why they think people are so fascinated by them; just a suggestion. :)

D.T. of Hamilton, Canada: Thanks for the fun pictures! :)

R.H. of “the Forum”, in Fargo, ND: Are you serious? If you knew anything about me (as opposed to the media image of a monster named “Joseph E. Duncan III”) then you'd know I never cooperate with people who sell a packaged and marketed version of the truth that they call “the news”. It's pure deception as far as I'm concerned, and I want nothing to do with it, thank-you-very-much.

C.J. of Augusta, ME: Love the X-mas card (cute puppy) and Santa's helper picture (nice legs), thanks!

J.P. of Brooklyn, NY: I let Judy Clarke (my lawyer) know you were asking about her, but she has yet to give me her permission to answer you. Since you don't work for any marketed media agency directly, and since you weren't asking about me or my case, I considered replying to your letter. But, without Judy's permission I can't, sorry.

M.C. of Mesquite, NV: “Criminology” is a pseudo-science at best and a religion at worst. Don't do it! (But, thanks for your support of the Fifth Nail.)

J.H. of Smelterville, ID: Yes, we had a very nice Christmas holiday meal here; thank you for asking. :) And I'd love to see some of your artwork, if you'd still like to send it, please do.

Z.M. of Lakeland, FL: Thank you for the B-day card and warm wishes. I liked the “kiddie” drawing, and thanks for supporting the Fifth Nail!

M.F. of Northeim, Germany: I hope you will continue reading the Fifth Nail and that it provides you with the insights you are hoping for. If you have any questions after reading it, please feel free to ask, and I'll answer what I can. Thank you.

Clara, of Italy! I have sent you several letters last year and this, but the card I got from you for X-mas does not seem to acknowledge my letters to you! Have you received them? Perhaps there is a problem with international mail service to Italy? I hope you see this and let me know! Your friend, Jet.

That's all for now, but, if I get more letters in the future that I cannot answer for any reason then I will at least try to mention them in an exposition like this one, and of course I will still try to answer as many letters as I can that my “heart” steers me to answer (as always).

[J.D. February 23, 2015]